The Big House

Some notable television programs were produced in 2005 on the subject of Dennis Rader. In August shortly before the sentencing Dateline NBC aired a two hour special, 31 Years of the BTK Killer,

On October 20, 2006 a jury awared $1.1 million to former BTK suspect Roger Valadez, who had been arrested on December 1, 2004 but quickly exonerated by a DNA test. He had sued the then-owners of local Wichita station KSNW channel 3 for defamation and humiliation by broadcasting his name and address after his arrest. However, Roger Valadez died suddenly of a heart attack on November 27, 2006 well before the possibility of collecting any money.

In March 2007 some of the legal issues surrounding lawsuits in the BTK case were settled. Rader agreed to pay the victims' families $10 million and forfeit any media rights to his story. The families will also have any belongings that were seized as evidence during the investigation returned to them, and will also have rights to any other evidence seized from Dennis Rader. The families are likely to receive no money at all from this settlement, as Rader is effectively indigent. But it will permanently prevent him from profiting from his notoriety as a serial killer.
In 2007 three additional books about the BTK case were published. The editors of the Wichita Eagle have released Bind, Torture, Kill: the Inside Story of the Serial Killer Next Door. Rader co-worker Mary Capps has written My Boss was the BTK Serial Killer. Crime author and former profiler John Douglas wrote Inside the Mind of BTK, an impressively detailed look into the mind and life of Dennis Rader.
In 2008 the film Feast of the Assumption - The Otero Family Murders (also known as I Survived BTK) was previewed in a showing in Wichita. It follows the life of Charlie Otero, one of the three surviving Otero children, from the time before Dennis Rader was arrested through the trial and conviction and the aftermath of recovery. We're impressed by the work director Marc Levitz did in putting together this real life chronicle of unbelievable trauma and Charlie's refusal to be destroyed by what happened to his family. IMDB review.
In 2010 the Kansas Supreme Court threw out the lawsuit originally filed against KSN-TV in Wichita by Roger Valadez and still maintained by his estate. Reasons cited were the death of the plaintiff and insufficient evidence of extreme mental distress and suffering.

There has been recent concern about the spread of BTK "murderabilia" for sale on the Internet such as letters and poems written by Rader, or even soil samples from the site of his now-demolished home in Park City. There is no evidence Rader has ever profited from such sales, which appear to be the work of persons who specialize in serial killer memorabilia for profit. (Photos of Dennis Rader in 2009).

Kerri spoke out regarding a movie based on a story by Stephen King, "A Good Marriage", concerning a husband who was a secret serial killer until his wife finds out about it. King had publicly stated the idea was inspired by the BTK killer and the relationship he had with his unknowing wife who never suspected him. Kerri said the publicity was wrong and hurtful and no such stated link or comparison should have been made publicly by King. She also revealed that despite the trauma of finding out she was BTK's daughter in 2005, she and her husband have gone on to lead productive lives and now have children of their own. She never has visited Dennis since he was arrested and has only sent an occasional letter since then.
In 2016 a new book about Dennis Rader was released, Confession of a Serial Killer: the Untold Story of Dennis Rader the BTK Killer, by Katherine Ramsland. This book relies on letters and telephone conversations between the author and Rader for large parts of the content, a voyage into his eerie mind as Rader describes some of his life events in his own words. The murders are described as mostly an erotic quest to gratify his bizarre paraphilic desires for killing.
Kerri continues to speak out occasionally about her father and the impact and trauma of finding out he was really a serial killer while being an apparently good parent. To date she has spoken to the Wichita Eagle for several articles, one of which has also appeared in Reader's Digest. She doesn't believe that all of the stories told by Rader in Ramsland's book are true, and that he thrives on the attention he gets from media and publications.
In 2017 Kerri Rawson announced she is writing her own book about her father and about her own struggles with depression and trauma and how to overcome these. It is expected to be published in 2018. (Photo of Rader with daughter Kerri at her 2003 graduation ceremony).
Photo of Dennis Rader in 2013, age 68.
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